以氣調氣論藥性 Regulating Qi w/ Herbal Qi—Essentials of TCM Herbal Treatment Theory
1. 對生命本質的掌握加深,對疾病(現象)變化的認識與掌握方加深。 How can we know the variations of body conditions better and more precisely? Once you realize the essence of life through deeper self-contemplation and cultivation, then transformation of both physical and spiritual life will occur. This leads to deeper awareness of the core problems of peoples’ conditions. 2. 修證功夫必須寸步寸心、得寸進尺;隨時保任,丟了再撿,拾後再扔。 The practice of deeper contemplation, cultivation and transformation of life requires steady practice to bring about wholehearted improvement and mindfulness. Yet, isn’t it always the case that we allow ourselves to be forgetful and let our minds wander? When this happens, be aware of this, and, as you become focused again, stay mindful and relaxed. 3.關於運用中醫藥結合修證的一些想法: Here are some thoughts on the application of TCM in relation to the practice of deeper contemplation, cultivation and transformation of life: (a). 道家養生〝地元丹”之說--藉來幫助修行。 The traditional Taoist theory considers herbs to be “the Essence of the Mother Ear...