
目前顯示的是 1月, 2007的文章

悼 廖老師 18:00PM 01/20/2007

從恆春半島的那端,師父說著-- 廖老師剛剛過逝了。 窗前的明月猶然存在李詩仙的遺韵, 蘭亭的墨跡隠約可見王右軍的揮亳。 而四臂觀音、准提佛母和白骨觀圖是您為 身、語、意修習的貢獻。 無住生心大圓滿 非無眾生長解脫 返本歸真等如如 心物一元亦戲說 Na Mo Sa Do Nan, San Miao San Pu Tuo, Ju Zhi Na Da Zha Tuo, Om Zhe Li Zhu Li Zhun Ti So Ha Om BuLin.

自嘲詩一首 One Self-Deprecating Poem

諸形可還都是債, 離相賦誰孰更親? 懞懞世上參禪客, 隨他弄假遠性真。 All can be returned are debts, And, who would be closer to oneself after all paid? I, as another mind-wondering, dubious learner of life "Chan/Zen", Only further away from reaching the Dharma-Self, The more I try to grab and to reach. Only further away, The more I try harder to grab and to reach.

打油詩一首 A poem for fun

醫者父母心, 病家眾生意; 將心來安難 , 應病與藥易; 同行大覺智, 方得兩相契。 The Doctor cares about the patient with the parental warmth, And the patient yerns with the being-cared needs. For both, It is easier to cure the body, yet more difficult to Heal the mind and spirit. Only the Practice of Buddhist Teachings to Reach Enlighement Will Both ease from the physical burdens And macth each other to be Released and Free.