觀人有感 Contemplation from Observing People
水月道場陽焰魚, 空花求果尋病機; 觀音門裏了因縁, 聞思修中覓仙跡。 八面玲瓏十方來, 你我她協幼與翁; 奉茶談心無餘事, 隨縁善了華嚴行。 自解:唐朝詩人白居易詩中有〝空花那得兼求果,陽焰如何更覓魚〃句。中醫藥學講求治病尋思病家當前病機,若了病體本空,則一切...
學習佛家龍樹菩薩五明學者之目標,對運用傳統中醫藥學診治身心疾病的探討與研究, 期能拋磚引玉,共同學習印證,以自益助人! Aiming at using TCM Medicine to treat both mental & physical symptoms & diseases, this personal website is open for those who are interested in the fields of TCM Medicine & Life-Science for advanced discussions and mutual learning, following the teachings of Buddhism, esp. from those of the great Bodhisattva Nāgārjuna.