續前 Continued
之二:Continued: 在目前國內醫療環境下,我推論仍是遵照國外,尤其是美國的西醫治療方法為主;也有多少的患友投石問路、各方求索地試用各種可能的所謂"替代療法",而吃盡苦頭,或延誤診治等等。我想藉由各種可能管道及朋友們,推廣對自我生命及醫療資源的正確態度和使用;若能同時增加自己診治HIV/AIDS患友的機會,處理和提高對免疫缺乏疾患及其相關併發症的診治水準,才是自己要努力的目標。 I believe that under the present domestic medical environment in Taiwan, HIV treatment follows most of the methods from the West, and especially from the US. There are also people suffering from such conditions that they have no resources to obtain support or information. There is also much misleading information about treatments and remedies, and effective treatments are sometimes delayed because of misleading information about possible “cures”. There are also people trying to use so called "alternative medicines" for their own conditions. This might not only result in a waste of their time and money, but might also delay them from having a proper treatment. In this blog, I hope I can have the opportunity to promote the clear understanding and right attitude of using the ...