反覆皮疹診治小思 Some Thoughts on Treating Skin Hives and Wheals
有反覆發作性的皮疹(如蕁痳疹, 濕疹, 及各種因食物、藥物或環境因素而發作之不明斑疹等), 在治療過程中, 除了針對"邪氣"因素, 而給予疏風清熱, 温經散寒, 化濕逐痰等, 以達到散邪止癢外, 最重要的還是: 不論在疾病治療各階段, 隨著藥症的變化, 還要加入"顧護元氣"的治療方法和對治性藥物, 才能保證邪去後, 不但身體恢復迅速, 也較不易再反彈復發. 而且, 每次治愈後, 體質便應會再加強一次. 如同除舊佈新一般, 煥發的身心狀態是一種"少陽"的新生, 應是輕鬆舒適的.
TCMers treat skin conditions like hives, wheals and/or plaques, etc., with the principles of expelling the"Evil Wind, Cold, Dampness and/or Heat" during different courses of treatment, according to the patient's conditions. In addition, no matter at what stage of treatment, TCMers apply the treatment principle of "Fortifying the Righteous Qi" to ensure a better and shorter period of treatment needed. As a result, the later principle applied will guarantee these kind of conditions with a less chance of recurrence, thus a better health condition recovered for the patient.
TCMers treat skin conditions like hives, wheals and/or plaques, etc., with the principles of expelling the"Evil Wind, Cold, Dampness and/or Heat" during different courses of treatment, according to the patient's conditions. In addition, no matter at what stage of treatment, TCMers apply the treatment principle of "Fortifying the Righteous Qi" to ensure a better and shorter period of treatment needed. As a result, the later principle applied will guarantee these kind of conditions with a less chance of recurrence, thus a better health condition recovered for the patient.