壬辰2012懸壺詩 Poem for Year 2012 regarding TCM Practicing
懸壺逾十載, 輾轉東西行;
人生病苦纏, 休作無常時;
醫聖作傷寒, 藥王千金方;
識機定病形, 隨拈藥病應;
真能解脫行, 逍遙自任運.
願我苦同伴, 證機歇金針!
人生病苦纏, 休作無常時;
醫聖作傷寒, 藥王千金方;
識機定病形, 隨拈藥病應;
真能解脫行, 逍遙自任運.
願我苦同伴, 證機歇金針!
學習佛家龍樹菩薩五明學者之目標,對運用傳統中醫藥學診治身心疾病的探討與研究, 期能拋磚引玉,共同學習印證,以自益助人! Aiming at using TCM Medicine to treat both mental & physical symptoms & diseases, this personal website is open for those who are interested in the fields of TCM Medicine & Life-Science for advanced discussions and mutual learning, following the teachings of Buddhism, esp. from those of the great Bodhisattva Nāgārjuna.