
目前顯示的是 12月, 2006的文章

艾滋全球防治19年 19 years of treating HIV/AIDS globly

知之所以不懼, 知之所以能助-- The more we know about HIV/AIDS, the less we are afraid of it, and the more we know how to help those who need help. 艾滋不可怕,可怕是無知與偏見!! We should not fear AIDS. We should fear the ignorance and intolerance that surrounds it!! 藉著全球防治日,請大家共同來了解、關懷、預防HIV病毒的繼續感染和蔓延! On this particular day of the year, please join hand with everyone to understand HIV infection, care about those who are afflicted and take action to prevent further infection of HIV virus that causes AIDS!